
Berserker lord of the rings
Berserker lord of the rings

berserker lord of the rings

Broad-bladed Sword is a good example of this.

berserker lord of the rings

Uruk-hai Berserker also works well with wound prevention or negation, since he tends to be exhausted. The shadow player can then judge how many exertions to distribute based on whether or not there is any Free Peoples archery or similar wounding effects to consider. Classic cards like Worry and Bred for Battle are useful, as are later cards like Uruk Spear (Since its bearer can exert even when there are no Free Peoples mounts to spot) but the best cards for this purpose are the various types of Machine, many of which allow Uruk-hai to exert at will. Uruk-hai Berserker has strong synergy with exertion-based effects, as these effectively make him stronger. Shop Action Figures & Gear products Lowest. In other words, Uruk-hai Berserker can reach a good strength quite quickly, but the shadow player must at the very least be prepared to exhaust him, making him vulnerable to being caught out by a surprise wound from the Free Peoples. Buy Lord of the Rings - Uruk-Hai Berserker Polystone Figure online at a discounted price from.

berserker lord of the rings

If he has two wounds he can match the strength of Raiding Party (Or similar cost uruks) and then gain one additional strength for each wound on the character he is skirmishing. However, Uruk-hai Berserker enjoys a lot more flexibility with his strength than most minions. Uruk-hai Berserker is relatively expensive for its statistics it can be directly contrasted with Uruk-hai Raiding Party, who has two extra base strength, but no text.

Berserker lord of the rings