
Addons similar to healium
Addons similar to healium

addons similar to healium

The standard raid frames have improved a lot in the last couple of years. I use the standard WoW raid frames and mouseover macros. I used to use it for a few months but had a lot of issues with it. I mean, I not as techy as some of you younger ones…LOL. I just need something that gives me all the information I need where I am not having to have my eyes dart all over the screen looking for the information I need, but something that is pretty easy for someone my age to set up too.

addons similar to healium

Also, I am an old gal who has been playing WoW since I am approaching 60and I have never used a UI addon, but am starting to seriously consider one now. I have been using Healbot for years, just because its relatively simple to set up and use, but lately it seems to be having issues, even though I give feedback on the Healbot site to the programmerbut I need some healers out in our WoW world to give me good recommendations of another Heal addon that can be used.

Addons similar to healium